45 research outputs found

    Leveraging the Resources at Sustainability Institute for More Effective Teaching of a Sustainability Course

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    Differential Market Reaction to Data Security Breaches: A Screening Perspective

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    This paper aims to identify breach- and firm-level characteristics that may account for the heterogenous stock market reaction to data breaches. Drawing upon the screening theory, this paper examines the possibility of three breach characteristics (breach severity, breach locus and breach controllability) and two firm attributes (CEO stock ownership, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance) serving as information screens to influence stock market reaction to a data breach incident. Using an archival dataset compiled from multiple sources, we examine 607 data breaches from 2004 to 2018 and find that the stock market reacts more negatively if a breach is more severe (i.e., involving more data records and financially sensitive consumer data), controllable (i.e., could have been prevented), and if the breached firm has weak corporate governance, as indicated by low CEO stock ownership. Furthermore, CSR provides an “insurance-like” protection by attenuating the negative effects of breach severity, breach controllability, and poor corporate governance on firm value. Findings of this research highlight the relevance of screening theory as a theoretical lens for examining the contextual dependence of stock market reaction to data breaches on key breach- and firm-level characteristics

    Corporate Social Responsibility, Multi-Faceted Job-Products, and Employee Outcomes

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    Diabetes typ II är en kronisk sjukdom som ökar bland ungdomar. Fetma och övervikt ses som en bidragande faktor till att diabetes typ II ökar. Mer stillasittande och sämre kostvanor påverkar kroppen med insulinresistens och trötta insulinproducerande celler som till slut kan leda till diabetes typ II. Att som ungdom drabbas av en kronisk sjukdom kan upplevas som en turbulent tid i ungdomars liv. Familjens och samhällets stöd påverkar ungdomarnas levnadsvanor och deras val av livsstil. För att sjuksköterskan skall kunna arbeta preventivt med stöd och motivation samt sätta in rätt resurser måste sjuksköterskan veta vilka faktorer som främjar och hindrar följsamhet till de livsstilsförändringar som ungdomarna behöver göra. Bra kostvanor och regelbunden fysisk aktivitet kan bidra till att förebygga diabetes typ II. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva faktorer som främjar och hindrar livsstilsförändringar hos ungdomar med diabetes typ II. Litteraturstudien innehåller tio artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Det framkommer av resultatet att familj och vänner spelar en avgörande roll i följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar. Att som ungdom ha tillgång till bra mat och att utöva fysisk aktivitet med vänner, ökade följsamheten hos ungdomen. Resultatet visar också betydelsen av att ungdomar vill vara som alla andra och inte känna sig annorlunda

    2011, ‘Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Overcoming the trust barrier

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. This research builds on the complementary corporate social responsibility (CSR) literatures in strategy and marketing to provide insight into the efficacy of CSR as a challenger's competitive weapon against a market leader. Through an investigation of a real world CSR initiative, we show that the challenger can reap superior business returns among consumers who had participated in its CSR initiative, relative to those who were merely aware of the initiative. Specifically, participant consumers demonstrate the desired attitudinal and behavioral changes in favor of the challenger, regardless of their affective trust in the leader, whereas aware consumers' reactions become less favorable as their affective trust in the leader increases. Furthermore, participation, unlike mere awareness, transforms the nature of the consumer-challenger relationship from a transactional one to a communal, trust-based one. Terms of use: Documents i

    Challenging Competition with CSR: Going Beyond the Marketing Mix to Make a Difference

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    Social initiatives that make a difference for the consumers are able to win consumers’ hearts and build close and lasting relationships. A program that offers real participation and goes beyond the standard marketing mix can therefore effectively reshape the competitive game with a market leader. Key consumer/societal problems present unprecedented opportunities for companies to gain long-term competitive advantages by creating both social and business value. We show how making a noticeable difference in the quality of oral health care of the children in Hispanic immigrant communities helped an American brand gain significant ground in this market. Rather than competing head-to-head against the market leader by making incremental improvements in product attributes or relying on price promotions, the challenging brand resorted to an innovative CSR initiative

    Sustainability, Social Media Driven Open Innovation, and New Product Development Performance

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    Sustainability and social media use in open innovation play important roles in a firm\u27s new product development (NPD) process. This research examines, in conjunction, the roles of sustainability and social media driven inbound open innovation (SMOI) for a firm\u27s NPD performance, and further, takes a more refined approach by differentiating between different types of SMOI activities. To this end, this research develops and tests a conceptual framework, which predicts that (1) a firm\u27s sustainability orientation (SO) is positively associated with its NPD performance, (2) customer focus (CF) partially mediates the SO–NPD performance link, and (3) particular SMOI activities moderate the CF–NPD performance link. The empirical results, using data from the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA)\u27s comparative performance assessment study, provide support for most of the framework. Notably, this research documents a positive link between SO and NPD performance, as well as a partial mediating role of CF. The results further suggest that social media driven open innovation activities focused on gathering market insights enhance CF directly, while social media driven open innovation activities that garner technical expertise enhance the link between CF and NPD performance. This paper bridges the separate literatures on sustainability and open innovation, and contributes to the NPD research. The findings suggest that managers should take a strategic approach to sustainability and embed it in the NPD process. Furthermore, managers should manage social media based open innovation carefully to fully benefit the firm during the front end and back end of NPD